Past events


  • Olivier Collignon

    Cognitive Neuroscience of sensory deprivation.

    INS 2024 (Constance, Germany)

    Tuesday 25 Jun 2024

  • Olivier Collignon

    I am touched by your vision: How (the absence of) sight influences spatial touch.

    Multisensory Perception and Motor Control Workshop (Brussels, Belgium).

    Wednesday 19 Jun 2024

  • Olivier Collignon

    From soundwave to meaning: Development and reorganization of the dynamics of sound representation in the human Brain.

    Symposium Talk, International Multisensory Research Forum 2024 (Reno, Nevada).

    Monday 17 Jun 2024

  • Marco Barilari

    Characterizing layer-dependent activity to visual and auditory motion in hMT+/V5 of blind and sighted individuals using ultra-high-field fMRI (7T)

    Young Researcher Day (Institite of Neuroscience, UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium)

    Tuesday 30 Apr 2024

  • Jacek Matuszewski

    Shared representations for reading and speech in the occipital cortex of congenitally blind and sighted people

    Neuronus IBRO Neuroscience Forum 2024 (Kraków, Poland)

    Saturday 27 Apr 2024

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity: Recycling the multisensory scaffolding of functional brain networks

    Neuroscience department (University of Genève, Genève, Switzerland)

    Monday 18 Mar 2024


  • Michele Fornaciai

    The role of low-level sensory mechanisms in visual and auditory serial dependencies

    KULeuven seminar (KU Leauven, Leuven, Belgium)

    Sunday 10 Dec 2023

  • Alice Van Audenhaege

    Neural basis of phonological representations from sounds and vision

    GCPN annual meeting 2023 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

    Friday 08 Dec 2023

  • Michele Fornaciai

    Perceptual history biases entail sensory modality- and dimension-specific mechanisms

    NeuroCog 2023, Brussels, Belgium

    Thursday 23 Nov 2023

  • Roberta Pia Calce

    Crawling from noise to knowledge: development of sounds categorization in infancy

    Cog Neuro Talk (Western Sydney University, Australia)

    Tuesday 17 Oct 2023

  • Jacek Matuszewski

    Sensory-specific computations of the occipital cortex during reading and speech processing in congenital blindness

    Toruń, Poland (Polish Neuroscience Society Meeting)

    Thursday 21 Sep 2023

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity: Recycling the multisensory scaffolding of functional brain networks

    ProAction Lab (University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal)

    Thursday 14 Sep 2023

  • Olivier Collignon

    YES meeting

    Wednesday 13 Sep 2023

  • Giada Lettieri

    Bodily representation of emotions in blind people

    Brussels, Belgium (Part of the International Multisensory Research Forum annual meeting 2023)

    Friday 30 Jun 2023

  • Iqra Shahzad

    Aligned motion-direction information for touch and vision in the human brain

    Brussels, Belgium (Part of the International Multisensory Research Forum annual meeting 2023)

    Thursday 29 Jun 2023

  • Jacek Matuszewski

    Computational hierarchy for tactile reading and speech processing in the occipital cortex of blind people

    Brussels, Belgium (Part of the International Multisensory Research Forum annual meeting 2023)

    Tuesday 27 Jun 2023

  • Iqra Shahzad

    Where Do the Visual and Tactile Motion-Directions Align in the Human Brain?

    University of Suceava, Suceava, Romania (Part of the multitouch international meeting)

    Thursday 25 May 2023

  • Olivier Collignon

    Preserved visual categorical coding in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex despite transient early blindness and permanent alteration in the functional response of early visual regions

    St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA (Part of the Vision Sciences Society annual meeting 2023)

    Monday 22 May 2023

  • Alice Van Audenhaege

    The brain: wired to read? ​

    Brussels, Belgium (Pint of Science meeting)

    Sunday 21 May 2023

  • Olivier Collignon

    MySpace Workshop

    Camgoli, Italy

    Thursday 13 Apr 2023

  • Olivier Collignon

    The interplay between brain plasticity and sensory deprivation/restoration: a two-edged sword?

    Keynote Lecture at ISMRM BENELUX 2023, Brussels, Belgium

    Thursday 23 Mar 2023

  • Olivier Collignon

    Quand le cerveau voit autrement

    Charleroi, Belgium

    Thursday 09 Mar 2023

  • Olivier Collignon


    Sion/Swiss – Plasticité cérébrale et privation sensorielle, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Tuesday 17 Jan 2023


  • Olivier Collignon

    Journée thématique du GDR TACT. Toucher et multimodalités/multisensorialités. CEA-LIST.

    Wednesday 16 Nov 2022

  • Olivier Collignon

    Sensing space without sight

    Genova, Italy (part of the Multimodal Haptic Interfaces Summer School)

    Wednesday 19 Oct 2022

  • Iqra Shahzad

    Frame of reference supporting tactile direction selectivity

    Genova, Italy (part of the Multimodal Haptic Interfaces Summer School)

    Wednesday 19 Oct 2022

  • Jacek Matuszewski

    Functional involvement of occipital cortex during reading and speech processing in congenital blindness: evidence from fMRI and TMS

    Neuronus IBRO Neuroscience Forum 2022

    Sunday 16 Oct 2022

  • Olivier Collignon

    Symposium “Neurovision” organisé par l’association « Amis des Aveugles »

    Friday 07 Oct 2022

  • Olivier Collignon

    Symposium “Les enjeux de la privation sensorielle :Savoirs au carrefour de la recherche et de la pratique”

    Friday 30 Sep 2022

  • Ceren Battal

    Structural and functional network-level reorganization in the coding of auditory motion directions and sound source locations in the absence of vision

    Part of the ECVP Conference (Nijmegen, Netherlands)

    Sunday 28 Aug 2022

  • Francesca Barbero

    Common neuronal assemblies integrate emotion expressions from the face and the voice

    Part of the ECVP Conference (Nijmegen, Netherlands)

    Sunday 28 Aug 2022

  • Olivier Collignon

    Functional reorganization of occipital regions in blindness

    Part of the FENS Meeting

    Sunday 10 Jul 2022

  • Roberta Pia Calce

    Neural categorization of voices at four months of age    

    Part of the International Congress of Infant Studies (“Delineating the early development of perceptual categorization with EEG frequency-tagging” symposium)

    Wednesday 06 Jul 2022

  • Mohamed Rezk

    A brief and early period of visual deprivation selectively impairs visual motion responses in V1

    Part of the IMRF 2022 Conference

    Monday 04 Jul 2022

  • Ceren Battal

    Structural and functional network-level reorganization in the coding of auditory motion directions and sound source locations in the absence of vision

    Part of the IMRF 2022 Conference

    Sunday 03 Jul 2022

  • Francesca Barbero

    Common neural assemblies integrate emotion expressions from the face and the voice

    Part of the IMRF 2022 Conference

    Sunday 03 Jul 2022

  • Stefania Mationi

    Representation of sound and sight in the occipito-temporal cortex of sighted and blind

    Part of the IMRF 2022 Conference

    Saturday 02 Jul 2022

  • Siddharth Talwar

    Automatic brain categorization of discrete auditory emotion expressions

    Part of the Frequency-Following Response (FFR) Workshop

    Tuesday 07 Jun 2022

  • Roberta Pia Calce

    Neural categorization of voices at four months of age    

    Part of the Frequency-Following Response (FFR) Workshop

    Tuesday 07 Jun 2022

  • Giulia Esposito

    Psychophysical and electrophysiological study of the cortical processes underlying tactile-auditory-visual integration in conditions of active touch

    Genova, Italy (part of the Technology of multimodal interfaces – multitouch workshop)

    Monday 30 May 2022

  • Iqra Shahzad

    Visual experience alters the tactile anisotropies

    Genova, Italy (part of the Technology of multimodal interfaces – multitouch workshop)

    Monday 30 May 2022

  • Olivier Collignon


    Paris, France

    Sunday 15 May 2022

  • Iqra Shahzad

    Touch and pain, neurosciences at the skin level

    Brussels, Belgium (part of Brain Awareness Week 2022)

    Monday 14 Mar 2022

  • Olivier Collignon

    Centre Cerveau et Cognition (CerCo)

    Monday 07 Mar 2022


  • Olivier Collignon

    Neurosciences des Systèmes et de la Cognition

    Tuesday 14 Dec 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

    Cognitive Science (CogIST)


    Wednesday 01 Dec 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

    Conference on Computational Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN) 2021


    Wednesday 08 Sep 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

    IEEE World Haptics Conference 2021


    Thursday 01 Jul 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

    Erasme Hospital – Ulb (Brussels, BE)

    Sunday 13 Jun 2021

  • Marina Bedny, Nancy Kanwisher, Olivier Collignon, Ilker Yildirim, Elizabeth Saccone, Apurva Ratan Murty, Stefania Mattioni

    Generative Adversarial Collaborations: How does visual experience shape representations and transformations along the ventral stream? (watch it online here)    

    Part of Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience – CCN Online meeting

    Tuesday 25 May 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

    Journée de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française


    Tuesday 25 May 2021

  • Iqra Shahzad

    Mapping multisensory representations using fMRI ( Advance Training Course (ATC) 5 by multitouch (MSCA-ITN H2020) project) . Find the video here.


    Tuesday 18 May 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

    World Wide Neuro – Multisensory Talks


    Wednesday 05 May 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

     Instituto de Neurociencias (Alicante, Spain)

    Alicante, Spain (Online)

    Thursday 08 Apr 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

    Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2021)


    Sunday 14 Mar 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

    Centre de recherche en neuropsychologie et cognition, University of Montréal.

    Montréal, Canada

    Thursday 04 Feb 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

     UCLA University

    Los Angeles, California, USA (Online)

    Wednesday 27 Jan 2021

  • Olivier Collignon

     University of Birmingham

    Birmingham, UK (Online)

    Tuesday 26 Jan 2021


  • Olivier Collignon

    Journée annuelle du Groupement des Professeurs et Educateurs d’Aveugles et d’Amblyopes (GPEAA)


    Thursday 12 Nov 2020

  • Ane Gurtubay

    Tactile processing and Plasticity mechanisms in blindness

    San Sebastian. Spain (Online)

    Wednesday 09 Sep 2020

  • Stefania Mattioni

    Categorical representation from sound and sight in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex of sighted and blind (eLife talks on line 2020). Find here the recording of the talk!

    eLife and COVID-19: Keeping communications open with online research talks

    Monday 13 Apr 2020

  • Olivier Collignon

    Les Journées de neurologie de langue française

    Lyon, France

    Monday 06 Apr 2020

  • Olivier Collignon

    Université de Bourgogne

    Dijon, France

    Thursday 13 Feb 2020

  • Olivier Collignon

    Areces Foundation

    Madrid, Spain

    Wednesday 29 Jan 2020

  • Olivier Collignon

    European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology (EWCN)

    Bressanone, Italy.

    Monday 27 Jan 2020

  • Olivier Collignon

    Fonctions cérébrales: innées ou acquises? Nouvel éclairage en l’absence de vision.

    Rencontre de Venise, Venezia, Italy

    Tuesday 07 Jan 2020


  • Olivier Collignon

    Building the brain in the dark (BE Neuroscience & Technology Meetup #1)

    Hackages Avenue des Arts 3 · Saint-Josse-ten-Noode Brussels, Belgium

    Tuesday 17 Dec 2019

  • CPP-lab

    MRI workshop

    Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Tuesday 26 Nov 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    B-Audio conference

    Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Friday 22 Nov 2019

  • Ane Gurtubay

    Direct structural connection between auditory temporal and visual-occipital motion selective regions (B-Audio conference)

    Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Thursday 21 Nov 2019

  • Ceren Battal

    Coding auditory motion directions in the sighted and in the blind individuals (B-Audio conference)

    Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Thursday 21 Nov 2019

  • Roberta Pia Calce

    Ultra-fast brain and behavioural categorisation of voices (B-Audio conference)

    Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Thursday 21 Nov 2019

  • Ane Gurtubay

    Structural connections between motion selective regions in humans (Cosy symposium)

    Bruxelles, Belgium

    Thursday 14 Nov 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    PsyCHIC Seminar

    Lille, France

    Monday 21 Oct 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    Journée GPEAA

    Nancy, France

    Wednesday 09 Oct 2019

  • Stefania Mattioni

    Categorical representation from sound and sight in the occipito-temporal cortex of sighted and blind (ESCOP 2019)

    ESCOP, Tenerife, Spain

    Wednesday 25 Sep 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity: Recycling the functional and multisensory architecture of the brain.

    Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland

    Wednesday 11 Sep 2019

  • Stefania Mattioni

    Categorical representation from sound and sight in the occipito-temporal cortex of sighted and blind (ECVP 2019)

    ECVP, Faculty of Social Sciences, Leuven, Belgium

    Sunday 25 Aug 2019

  • Ceren Battal

    Early blindness triggers an imbalance between temporal and occipital regions coding for auditory motion directions (ECVP 2019)

    ECVP, Faculty of Social Sciences, Leuven, Belgium

    Sunday 25 Aug 2019

  • Mohamed Rezk

    Multi-modal representation of visual and auditory motion directions in hMT+/V5 (ECVP 2019)

    ECVP, Faculty of Social Sciences, Leuven, Belgium

    Sunday 25 Aug 2019

  • Stefania Mattioni

    How input modality and visual experience affect the neural encoding of categorical knowledge (OHBM 2019)

    OHBM, Rome, Italy

    Monday 10 Jun 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    Building the brain in the dark (PINT of SCIENCE- science festival 2019)

    KFK Hope, Rue des Poissonniers 21, 1000, Brussels, Belgium

    Tuesday 21 May 2019

  • Olivier Collignon


    Lille, France

    Monday 06 May 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    Nouveauté en imagerie des voies auditives. 50ans des cliniques centre d’audiophonologie des Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc.

    Bruxelles (Belgium)

    Thursday 28 Mar 2019

  • Stefania Mattioni

    How sensory input and visual experience affect the categorical representation in the occipital-temporal cortex (Laboratory of Biological Psychology Lab meeting)

    KUL, Leuven, Belgium

    Wednesday 27 Mar 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    Donders institute (Host: M. Peelen).

    Nijmegen (Netherlands)

    Monday 11 Mar 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Salzburg (Host: Nathan Weisz)

    Salzburg University, Austria.

    Wednesday 20 Feb 2019

  • Olivier Collignon

    Symposium “Translational NeuroTechnology for Real-World Vision: from Light to Sight”. (Keynote Lecture).


    Sunday 10 Feb 2019


  • Olivier Collignon

    Face and voice integration and deprivation. (Host: L. Garrido).

    Brunel University London.

    Wednesday 28 Nov 2018

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity: Recycling the neural and computational architecture of the occipital cortex? (Host: S. Majerus).

    University of Liege

    Thursday 01 Nov 2018

  • Olivier Collignon

    2018 Tübingen Systems Neuroscience Symposium. (Keynote Lecture).


    Tuesday 16 Oct 2018

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity: Recycling the neural and computational architecture of the brain? Blind Brain Worshop. 

    Lucca (Italy)

    Thursday 11 Oct 2018

  • Ceren Battal

    Coding auditory motion and sound location in the sighted and in the blind individuals. International Max Planck Research School Alumni Meeting.

    Tuebingen, Germany

    Sunday 23 Sep 2018

  • Olivier Collignon

     Space without sight. Symposium on ‘Multisensory space’ held on the 19th International Multisensory Research Forum. 

    Toronto, Canada.

    Friday 15 Jun 2018

  • Mohamed Rezk

    Multi-modal representation of visual and auditory motion directions in hMT+/V5. Vision Science Society- VSS 2018

    Saint Pete Beach, FL, USA

    Monday 21 May 2018

  • Stefania Mattioni

    The balanced act of cross modal and intramural plasticity: enhanced representation of auditory categories in the occipital cortex of early blind links to reduced temporal coding. Annual Vision Science Society 2018;

    St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.

    Friday 18 May 2018

  • Stefania Mattioni

    The balanced act of cross modal and intramural plasticity for the processing of auditory categories. Symposium “Windows on brain plasticity”.

    Royal Academy for Sciences and the Arts of Belgium, Bruxelles.

    Sunday 06 May 2018

  • Olivier Collignon

     CAOs: Concept, Action and Objects, Rovereto, Italy. (Keynote Lecture).

    Rovereto (Italy)

    Friday 04 May 2018

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity: Recycling the neural and computational architecture of the occipital cortex?

    Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone. Marseille.

    Thursday 08 Feb 2018

  • Stefania Benetti

    Plasticity and rigidity: selectivity of crossmodal plasticity in the auditory cortices. Italian Workshop on Developmental Neuropsychology – XIII edition

    Brixen (Italy)

    Thursday 18 Jan 2018


  • Olivier Collignon

    Brain Modes 2017. (Keynote Lecture).

    Gurgaon (Delhi National Capital Region), India.

    Sunday 10 Dec 2017

  • Olivier Collignon

    Journee scientifique de la chaire UCL-IRSA en déficiences sensorielles et troubles d’apprentissage. (Keynote Lecture).

    Bruxelles (Belgium)

    Tuesday 31 Oct 2017

  • Olivier Collignon

    Recycling of computational bias in sensory deprived region. (Host: T. Makin).

    University College London, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience.

    Thursday 12 Oct 2017

  • Olivier Collignon

    A-Modal vs Crossmodal: How sensory input and experience shapes categorical responses in the brain. OHBM. (Chair of Symposium).

    Vancouver (Canada)

    Wednesday 31 May 2017

  • Ceren Battal

    Mapping Functional Organisation of the Occipital Cortex in Blind Individuals.

    BAPS, Brussels, Belgium. 

    Tuesday 30 May 2017

  • Olivier Collignon

    Are faces the voices of the deaf and voices the faces of the blind? Functional reorganization in face and voice brain networks in blind and deaf people. Symposium on ‘Supramodality and cross-modal plasticity in blindness and deafness: their balance and the implications for rehabilitation’held on the 19th International Multisensory Research Forum (Chair: Striem-Amit, Ricciardi, Collignon).

    Nashville, USA.

    Sunday 30 Apr 2017

  • Olivier Collignon

    Losing and recovering sight. TED-Talk. (TEDx U. Louvain)

    Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium)

    Friday 31 Mar 2017

  • Olivier Collignon

    Seminar series at the Core for Advanced MRI (CAMRI). (Host: M. Beauchamp).

    Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

    Tuesday 07 Feb 2017

  • Olivier Collignon

    How sensory experience shapes the mind/brain. (Host: Micah Murray).

    University of Lausanne, Switzerland

    Wednesday 18 Jan 2017


  • Olivier Collignon

    Privation visuelle et plasticite cerebrale. Seminar of “Neurosciences cognitives et affectives”. (Host: F D’Hondt).

    Faculté de Médecine, Université de Lille, SCALab UMR 9193 – CNRS

    Wednesday 21 Dec 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    Perdre et retrouver la vue: Prodige et Vertige de l’etonnante plasticite du cerveau.

    Conference grand public de l’Institut de Recherche en Psychologie (IPSY) de l’Universite catholique de Louvain.

    Tuesday 29 Nov 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    Consequences cerebrales de la privation et restauration visuelle.

    Ligue Braille. Bruxelles.

    Thursday 10 Nov 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    Building the brain in the dark. Neurocog’16 meeting (Keynote Lecture).

    KU Leuven (Belgium)

    Tuesday 01 Nov 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    How sensory experience shapes the mind/brain: New light from the blind.  (Host: J. Lundstrum).

    Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

    Tuesday 11 Oct 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    The complex interplay between brain reorganizations following sensory deprivation and restoration. Louvain Bionics Day (Keynote Lecture).

    University of Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium).

    Wednesday 31 Aug 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    How to get an ERC: The MADVIS story.

    GIGA center (Grappe Interdisciplinaire de Génoprotéomique Appliquée). University of Liege.

    Wednesday 15 Jun 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity: Recycling the neural and computational architecture of the occipital cortex? Seminar series at the ICM-Paris (Spine and Brain Institute). (Host: L. Cohen).

    Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital

    Tuesday 14 Jun 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    T Symposium on ‘Cross-modal plasticity and integration in sensory restoration by invasive/non-invasive approaches (and their potential combination): from basic science to rehab’ held on the 18th International Multisensory Research Forum (Chair: A. Amedi, B. Heimler).

    Suzhou, China.

    Tuesday 31 May 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    How visual experience shapes numerical processing. New trends in arithmetic development (Chair: A. De Vischer). 

    Belgian Association for Psychological Science. Antwerpen, Belgium.

    Saturday 30 Apr 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    Building the brain in the dark. (Host: D. Crepaldi).

    The International School for Advanced Studies, SiSSA, Italy

    Thursday 10 Mar 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    Building the brain in the dark. (Host: P. Haggard).

    Centre for the Study of the Senses, University of London

    Wednesday 02 Mar 2016

  • Olivier Collignon

    Space without Sight.

    University of Milan (PhiloNeuro Seminars).

    Wednesday 17 Feb 2016


  • Olivier Collignon

    Concrete and abstract space without sight.

    Free University of Brussels (CONNEX seminars).

    Wednesday 11 Nov 2015

  • Olivier Collignon

    Interplay between crossmodal plasticity and sight restoration.

    University of Louvain (NEUROX seminars).

    Wednesday 04 Nov 2015

  • Olivier Collignon

    Space without sight. (Host: M. Gori).

    IIT-Genova (Italy)

    Tuesday 06 Oct 2015

  • Olivier Collignon

    Brain plasticity underlying sight deprivation and restoration. (Host: Micah Murray).

    University of Lausanne. 

    Wednesday 23 Sep 2015

  • Olivier Collignon

    Impact of sight deprivation and restoration on the functional organization and connectivity of the occipital cortex. Symposium on ‘Cortical Plasticity following visual or auditory impairment’ held on the 16th International Multisensory Research Forum (Chair: S. Lomber).

    Pisa, Italy.

    Sunday 14 Jun 2015

  • Olivier Collignon

    How (visual) experience shapes the mind/brain: new lights from the blind.  (Host: Daniel Casasanto).

    University of Chicago

    Friday 29 May 2015

  • Olivier Collignon

    Brain plasticity underlying sight deprivation and restoration. (Host: Fang Jiang).

    University of Nevada Reno.

    Wednesday 20 May 2015

  • Olivier Collignon

    A short period of visual deprivation at birth triggers long-lasting crossmodal reorganization of the occipital cortex in humans. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. 

    Naples, Florida.

    Friday 15 May 2015

  • Olivier Collignon

    Impact of sight deprivation and restoration on the functional organization and connectivity of the occipital cortex. Symposium ‘Vision loss: dysfunction, plasticity, restoration and rehabilitation’ (organizer: Bernhard A. Sabel, PhD).

    EWCBR conference

    Saturday 28 Feb 2015


  • Olivier Collignon

    How to build a successful ERC application: Personal tale story.

    University of Trento, Italy.

    Thursday 20 Nov 2014


  • Olivier Collignon

    Impact of sight deprivation and restoration on the functional and structural organization of the occipital cortex. ‘The Blind Brain Workshop: How blindness can open our eyes on brain function’ (Organizers: P. Pietrini & E. Ricciardi).

    Pisa, Italy.

    Tuesday 01 Oct 2013

  • Olivier Collignon

    Building a brain in the dark. ‘Sensory Substitution, Visual rehabilitation and brain plasticity’  workshop; Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (Organizer: A. Amedi).

    Jerusalem, Israel.

    Monday 03 Jun 2013

  • Olivier Collignon

    Impact of sight deprivation and restoration on the functional and structural organization of the occipital cortex. Symposium on ‘Crossmodal Plasticity Following Sensory Loss and Restoration’ held on the 14th International Multisensory Research Forum (Chair: S. Lomber).


    Friday 31 May 2013

  • Olivier Collignon

    L’aveugle: Un modèle unique pour comprendre le développement de la specialization cérébrale fonctionelle.

    Psychology department, University of Montreal (Canada).

    Wednesday 22 May 2013

  • Olivier Collignon

    MADVIS: Mapping the Deprived Visual System: Cracking function for prediction. Second round of the ERC-starting grant 2013.

    Brussels, Belgium.

    Wednesday 08 May 2013


  • Olivier Collignon

    Impact of early versus late acquired blindness on the functional organization and connectivity of the occipital cortex. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting. 

    Naples, Florida.

    Saturday 12 May 2012

  • Olivier Collignon

    Construire un cerveau dans le noir: organization fonctionnelle et connectivité du cortex occipital chez l’aveugle. (Host: J. Doyon).

    Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal.

    Thursday 16 Feb 2012


  • Olivier Collignon

    Développement multisensoriel: Fonction, Déficit, Réhabilitation.

    Centre de Réhabilitation Marie Enfant. University of Montreal.

    Wednesday 16 Nov 2011

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal organization in the blind’s brain.  (Host: E. Ricciardi).

    Molecular Mind Laboratory,University of Pisa (Italy)

    Wednesday 05 Oct 2011

  • Olivier Collignon

    Building the brain in the dark: Crossmodal plasticity in visually deprived subjects.

    Cognition and Brain Plasticity Group, University of Barcelona (Spain).

    Wednesday 05 Oct 2011

  • Olivier Collignon

    Audio-visual and visuo-motor interaction in autism and during typical development. Multisensory Processing Workshop.

    McGill University, Montreal (Canada)

    Saturday 01 Oct 2011

  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity and functional specialization in the occipital cortex of early and late blind individuals. 6th retraite annuelle du Centre d’Excellence en Neuroscience de l’Université de Montréal (CENUM).

    Saint-Adèle, Canada.

    Thursday 17 Mar 2011

  • Olivier Colignon

    Cerebral reorganization in the blind.  (Host: D. Maurer).

    Visual Development Lab, McMaster University (Canada).

    Wednesday 16 Feb 2011

  • Olivier Collignon

    Multisensory processing and cerebral reorganizations in the blind. (Host: A. Caramazza).

    Harvard University (US), Cognitive Neuropsychology Laboratory

    Tuesday 08 Feb 2011


  • Olivier Collignon

    Crossmodal plasticity and multisensory integration.  (Host: I. Blanchette).

    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Canada

    Tuesday 14 Dec 2010

  • Olivier Collignon

    Compensations sensorielles et plasticité cérébrale chez la personne aveugle. 

    Centre de recherche de l’hôpital Sainte Justine, Montréal, Canada

    Saturday 11 Dec 2010

  • Olivier Collignon

    Cerebral reorganization in the blind. (Host: C. Philips).

    Université de Liège (Belgium), Cyclotron Research Center

    Thursday 21 Oct 2010

  • Olivier Collignon

    Behavioral compensations and cerebral reorganization in the blind. (Host: S. Soto-Faraco).

    Multisensory Research Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

    Thursday 07 Oct 2010

  • Olivier Collignon

    Processing spatial and pitch attributes of sounds in the absence of visual experience: an fMRI study. 16th Human Brain Mapping Meeting (HBM). 

    Barcelona (Spain)

    Tuesday 08 Jun 2010

  • Olivier Collignon

    Déficit d’intégration multisensorielle automatique chez la personne autiste: “Pip mais pas Pop”. 32thannual meeting of the “Société Quebecoise de Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP)”.

    Montréal, Canada.

    Friday 19 Mar 2010

  • Olivier Collignon

    The right dorsal occipital stream maintains its functional specificity for spatial processing in absence of visual experience. 18èmes journées scientifiques du CERNEC.

    Saint-Sauveur, Canada.

    Thursday 11 Mar 2010

  • Olivier Collignon

    Auditory information does not improve complex visual search for persons with autism and Asperger syndrome: « pip » but no « pop ». 5th Retraite Annuelle du Centre Centre d’Excellence en Neuromique de l’Université de Montréal (CENUM).

    Hôtel du lac Carling, Canada.

    Thursday 18 Feb 2010


  • Olivier Collignon

    Gender differences in the multisensory processing of emotion expressions. Cem09 – Cognition, Emotion & Motivation International Congress.

    Hammamet, Tunisia.

    Monday 02 Nov 2009

  • Olivier Collignon

    Développement de l’intégration multisensorielle chez l’enfant: étude du développement normal et pathologique. (Host: Alain Moureau).

    Centre de recherche de l’hôpital Sainte Justine, Montréal, Canada

    Friday 19 Jun 2009

  • Olivier Collignon

    Réorganisations comportementales et cérébrales chez la personne non voyante. Conférence scientifique du centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR).

    Institut Louis Braille et Nazareth (INLB), Longueil, Québec.

    Thursday 05 Mar 2009

  • Olivier Collignon

    Gender difference in the multisensory processing of emotion. 4th retraite annuelle du Centre d’Excellence en Neuromique de l’Université de Montréal (CENUM).

    Montebello, Canada.

    Friday 16 Jan 2009


  • Olivier Collignon

    Functional cerebral reorganization for auditory-spatial processing and auditory substitution of vision in early blind subjects. Invited speaker in the symposium « Auditory plasticity in the blind » held on 9th International Conference on Low Vision.

    Montreal, Canada.

    Monday 30 Jun 2008

  • Olivier Collignon

    Audio-Tactile interactions in early blind subjects. 17èmes journées scientifiques du CERNEC.

    Saint-Sauveur, Canada.

    Thursday 03 Apr 2008

  • Olivier Collignon

    Audio-Visual Integration of Emotion Expressions. 30thannual meeting of the “Société Quebecoise de Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP)”.

    Trois-Rivières, Canada

    Thursday 13 Mar 2008


  • Olivier Collignon

    Réorganisations comportementales et cérébrales en cas de privation visuelle précoce. Symposium « Perception, integration et plasticité » held on the 29thannual meeting of the “Société Quebecoise de Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP)”.

    Sherbrooke, Canada.

    Saturday 31 Mar 2007


  • Olivier Collignon

    Cognitive-cerebral reorganization and sensory substitution in early blindness. Centre de Recherche en Neuropsychologie et Cognition. (Host: F. Lepore).

     Université de Montréal, Canada.

    Wednesday 13 Sep 2006


  • Olivier Collignon

    Functional crossmodal plasticity for auditory spatial processing in early blind subjects. 13ième journées scientifiques du GRENEC.

    Saint-Sauveur, Canada.

    Thursday 01 Apr 2004