• PrePrint

    Battal C., Gurtubay-Antolin A., Rezk M., Mattioni S., Bertonati G., Occelli V., Bottini R., Targher S., Maffei C., Jovicich J., Collignon O.

    Structural and functional network-level reorganization in the coding of auditory motion directions and sound source locations in the absence of vision


  • publications

    Barbero FM, Calce RP., Talwar S., Rossion B. , Collignon O.

    Fast Periodic Auditory Stimulation Reveals a Robust Categorical Response to Voices in the Human Brain


  • publications

    Benetti S., Zonca J., Ferrari A., Rezk M., Rabini G., Collignon O.

    Visual motion processing recruits regions selective for auditory motion in early deaf individuals


  • publications

    Gurtubay-Antolin A., Battal C., Maffei C., Rezk M., Mattioni S., Jovicich J., Collignon O.

    Direct Structural Connections between Auditory and Visual Motion-Selective Regions in Humans

    Journal of Neuroscience



  • publications

    Botvinik-Nezer, R., Holzmeister F.,… Barilari M.,…Collignon O.,…Gau R. et al.

    Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams


  • publications

    Rezk M., Cattoir S., Battal C., Occelli V., Mattioni S. , Collignon O.

    Shared Representation of Visual and Auditory Motion Directions in the Human Middle-Temporal Cortex

    Current Biology

  • PrePrint

    Togoli I., Crollen V., Arrighi R., Collignon O.

    The shared numerical representation for action and perception develops independently from vision

    OSF Preprints

  • publications

    Mattioni S., Rezk M., Battal C., Bottini R.,Cuculiza Mendoza K.E., Oosterhof N. N., Collignon O.

    Categorical representation from sound and sight in the ventral occipito-temporal cortex of sighted and blind(Recommended in Faculty Opinions by P.Hagoort)


  • publications

    Bottini R., Ferraro S., Nigri A., Cuccarini V., Bruzzone M.G., Collignon O.

    Brain Regions Involved in Conceptual Retrieval in Sighted and Blind People

    Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

  • publications

    Crollen V., Noël M., Honoré N., Degroote V., Collignon O.

    Investigating the respective contribution of sensory modalities and spatial disposition in numerical training.

    Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

  • publications

    Gau R., Bazin P-L., Trampel R., Turner R., Noppeney U.

    Resolving multisensory and attentional influences across cortical depth in sensory cortices


  • publications

    Ferraro S., Van Ackeren M.J., Mai R., Tassi L., Cardinale F., Nigri A., Bruzzone M.G., D’Incerti L., Hartmann T., Weisz N., Collignon O.

    Stereotactic electroencephalography in humans reveals multisensory signal in early visual and auditory cortices




  • publications

    Charbonneau G., Bertone A., Véronneau M., Girard S., Pelland M., Mottron L., Lepore F., Collignon O. (in press)

    Within- and Cross-modal integration and attention in the Autism Spectrum.

    Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

  • PrePrint

    Botvinik-Nezer, R., Holzmeister F.,… Barilari M.,…Collignon O.,…Gau R. et al.

    Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams


  • PrePrint

    Mattioni S., Rezk M., Battal C., Bottini R., Mendoza K. E. C., Oosterhof N. N., & Collignon O.

    Similar categorical representation from sound and sight in the occipito-temporal cortex of sighted and blind.


  • publications

    Ostrolenk A., Bao V., Mottron L., Collignon O. & Bertone A.

    Reduced multisensory facilitation in adolescents and adults on the Autism Spectrum

    Scientific Report

  • PrePrint

    Battal C., Occelli V., Bertonati G., Falagiarda F., Collignon O.

    Ubiquitous enhancement of spatial hearing in congenitally blind people


  • publications

    Falagiarda F., & Collignon O.

    Time-resolved discrimination of audio-visual emotion expressions.


  • publications

    Crollen V, Spruyt T, Mahau P, Bottini R, & Collignon O

    How visual experience and task context modulate the use of internal and external spatial coordinate for perception and action.

    Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance

  • PrePrint

    Ferraro. S, Van Ackeren J.M., Mai R., Tassi L., Cardinale F., Nigri A., Bruzzone M.G., D’Incerti L., Hartmann T., Weisz n., & Collignon O.

    Stereotactic electroencephalography in humans reveals multisensory signal in early visual and auditory cortices.


  • publications

    Crollen, V., Lazzouni, L., Rezk, M., Bellemare, A., Lepore, F., Noël, M. P., … & Collignon, O.

    Recruitment of the occipital cortex by arithmetic processing follows computational bias in the congenitally blind. 


  • publications

    Bottini R., Barilari M., & Collignon O.

    Sound Symbolism in Sighted and Blind: The role of vision and orthography in sound-shape correspondences.


  • publications

    Battal C, Rezk M, Mattioni S, Vadlamudi J, & Collignon O.

    Representation of auditory motion directions and sound source locations in the human planum temporale.

    Journal of Neuroscience



  • publications

    Davies-Thompson, J., Elli, G.V., Rezk, M., Benetti, S., van Ackeren, M., and & Collignon, O.

    Hierarchical Brain Network for Face and Voice Integration of Emotion Expression

    Cerebral Cortex

  • PrePrint

    Falagiarda F., Collignon O.

    Time-resolved discrimination of audio-visual emotion expressions.


  • publications

    Vandewalle G, van Ackeren M, Daneault V, Hull J, Albouy G, Lepore F, Doyon J, Czeisler C, Dumont M, Carrier J, Lockley S, and Collignon O

    Light modulates oscillatory alpha activity in the occipital cortex of totally visually blind individuals with intact non-image-forming photoreception.

    Scientific reports (In Press)

  • PrePrint

    Battal C., Rezk M., Mattion S., Vadlamudi J., Collignon O.

    Representation of auditory motion directions and sound source locations in the human planum temporale.


  • publications

    Barilari M., de Heering A, Crollen V, Collignon O & Bottini R.

    Is red heavier than yellow even for blind?

    i-Perception, 9(1), 2041669518759123.

  • PrePrint

    Bottini R. , Ferraro S., Nigri A.,Cuccarini V., Bruzzone MG., Collignon O.

    Different neural networks for conceptual retrieval in sighted and blind reveal the experiential bases of knowledge.


  • publications

    Benetti S., Novello L., Maffei C., Rabini G., Jovicich J., Collignon O.

    White matter connectivity between occipital and temporal regions involved in face and voice processing in hearing and early deaf individuals.

    Neuroimage, 179:263-274.

  • publications

    Van Ackeren M, Barbero F, Mattioni S, Bottini R, Collignon O.

    Neuronal populations in the occipital cortex of the blind synchronize to the temporal dynamics of speech.

    Elife, e31640.

  • publications

    De Heering A., Collignon O., Kolinsky R.

    Blind readers break mirror invariance as sighted do.

    Cortex, 101, 154-162.

  • PrePrint

    Crollen V., Noël M., Honoré N., Degroote V., Collignon O.

    Investigating the respective contribution of sensory modalities and spatial disposition for arithmetic teaching.


  • publications

    Hauswald A, Lithari C, Collignon O, Leonardelli E, Weisz N.

    A Visual Cortical Network for Deriving Phonological Information from Intelligible Lip Movements.

    Current Biology, 28, 1–7.

  • PrePrint

    Crollen V.,Spruyt T., Mahau P., Bottini R., Collignon O.

    How visual experience and task context modulate the use of internal and external spatial coordinate for perception and action.  


  • PrePrint

    Benetti S., Novello L., Maffei C., Rabini G., Jovicich J., Collignon O.

    White matter connectivity between occipital and temporal regions involved in face and voice processing in hearing and early deaf individuals.


  • publications

    Crollen V, Dormal G, Seron, X, Lepore F, & Collignon O.

    Embodied numbers: the role of vision in the development of number-space interaction.

    Cortex, 49: 276–283.

  • PrePrint

    Crollen V., Lazzouni L., Bellemare A., Rezk M., Lepore F., Noël MP, Seron X., Collignon O.

    Recruitment of occipital cortex by arithmetic processing follows computational bias in early blind

    BioRxiv 319343

  • publications

    Dormal G., Pelland M., Rezk M., Yakobov E., Lepore F, Collignon O.

    Functional preference for object sounds but not for voices in the occipito-temporal cortex of early blind individuals.

    Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30(1):86-106.

  • PrePrint

    Barilari M., de Heering A, Crollen V, Collignon O & Bottini R.

    Is red heavier than yellow even for blind? 


  • PrePrint

    Hauswald A., Lithari C., Collignon O., Leonardelli E., Weisz N.

    Visual cortical entrainment to unheard acoustic speech reflects intelligibility of lip movements and is mediated by dorsal stream regions




  • PrePrint

    Bottini R., Barilari M., & Collignon O.

    Sound Symbolism in Sighted and Blind The role of vision and orthography in sound-shape correspondences


  • PrePrint

    Van Ackeren M, Barbero F, Mattioni S, Bottini R, Collignon O.

    Neuronal populations in the occipital cortex of the blind synchronize to the temporal dynamics of speech.

    bioRxiv 186338

  • publications

    Crollen V., Lazzouni L., Rezk M., Bellemare A., Lepore F., Collignon O.

    Visual experience shapes the neural networks remapping touch into external space.

    Journal of Neuroscience, 37(42):10097-10103

  • PrePrint

    Benetti S., van Ackeren M.J., Rabini G., Zonca J., Foa V., Baruffaldi F., Rezk M., Pavani F., Rossion B. and Collignon O.

    Functional selectivity for face processing in the temporal voice area of early deaf individuals.

    bioRxiv 154138

  • publications

    Bauer C, Hirsch G, Zajac L, Koo B-B, Collignon O, Merabet L.

    Multimodal MR-Imaging Reveals Large-Scale Structural and Functional Connectivity Changes in Profound Early Blindness.

    Plos One, 12(3):e0173064.

  • publications

    Benetti S., van Ackeren M.J., Rabini G., Zonca J., Foa V., Baruffaldi F., Rezk M., Pavani F., Rossion B. and Collignon O.

    Functional selectivity for face processing in the right temporal “voice” area of early deaf individuals.

    PNAS, 114(31): E6437-E6446.

  • PrePrint

    Crollen V., Lazzouni L., Rezk M.,  Bellemare A., Lepore F., Collignon O.n

    Visual experience shapes the neural networks remapping touch into external space

    bioRxiv 149021; 

  • PrePrint

    Dormal G., Pelland M., Rezk M., Yakobov E., Lepore F, Collignon O.

    Functional Preference For Object Sounds But Not For Voices In The Occipito-Temporal Cortex Of Early Blind Individuals

    bioRxiv 143776

  • publications

    Marchitelli R., Collignon O., Jovicich J.

    Test-Retest Reproducibility of the Intrinsic Default Mode Network: Influence of fMRI Slice-Order Acquisition and Head-Motion Correction Methods.

    Brain Connectivity, 7(2):69-83.

  • publications

    Atligan H, Collignon O, Hasson U.

    Structural neuroplasticity of the superior temporal plane in early and late blindness.

    Brain and Language, 170:71-81.

  • publications

    Crollen V., Albouy G., Lepore F., Collignon O.

    How visual experience impacts the internal and external spatial mapping of sensorimotor functions.

    Scientific Report, 7(1):1022.



  • PrePrint

    Pelland M., Orban P., Dansereau C., Lepore F., Bellec P., Collignon O.

    State-dependent modulation of functional connectivity in early blind individuals

    bioRxiv 075465

  • publications

    Bottini R., Mattioni S., & Collignon O.

    Early blindness alters the spatial organization of verbal working memory..

    Cortex, 83:271-9

  • publications

    Pelland M., Orban P., Dansereau C., Lepore F., Bellec P., Collignon O.

    State-dependent modulation of functional connectivity in early blind individuals.

    NeuroImage, 21;147:532-541.

  • publications

    De Heering A., Dormal G., Pelland M., Lewis T., Maurer D., & Collignon O.

    A brief period of postnatal visual deprivation alters the balance between auditory and visual attention.

    Current Biology, 26(22): 3101-3105.

  • publications

    Crollen V. & Collignon O.

    Cognition numérique: que peuvent nous apprendre les personnes non-voyantes.

    Medecine/Science, 32(12):1097-1102.

  • publications

    Dormal V., Crollen V., Baumans C., Lepore F., & Collignon O.

    Early but not late blindness leads to enhanced arithmetic and working memory abilities.

    Cortex, 83:212-21.

  • publications

    Dormal G., Rezk M., Yakobov E., Lepore F., Collignon O.

    Auditory motion in the sighted and blind: Early visual deprivation triggers a large-scale imbalance between auditory and “visual” brain regions.

    NeuroImage, 134:630-44

  • publications

    Hasson U., Andric M., Atligan H., Collignon O.

    Congenital blindness is associated with large-scale reorganization of anatomical networks.

    NeuroImage, 128:362-72.



  • publications

    Seron X. & Collignon O.

    Plasticite Cerebrale et Revalidation. Chapter in “Traite de Neuropsychologie Clinique de l’adulte; Tome 2: Revalidation”.

    De Boeck. Edited by X. Seron and M. Van der Linden.

  • publications

    Lao Y, Kang Y, Collignon O, Brun C, Kheibai SB, Alary F, Gee J, Nelson MD, Lepore F, Lepore N.A.

    Study of brain white matter plasticity in early blinds using tract-based spatial statistics and tract statistical analysis.


  • publications

    Collignon O., Dormal G., de Heering A., Lepore F., Lewis T., Maurer, D.

    Long-Lasting Crossmodal Cortical Reorganization Triggered by Brief Postnatal Visual Deprivation.

    Current Biology, 25(18):2379-83.

  • publications

    Bottini R., Crepaldi D., Casasanto D., Crollen V., & Collignon O.

    Space and Time in the Sighted and Blind.

    Cognition, 141:67-72.

  • publications

    Bellec P, Benhajali Y, Carbonell F, Dansereau C, Albouy G, Pelland M, Craddock C, Collignon O, Doyon J, Stip E, Orban P.

    Impact of the resolution of brain parcels on connectome-wide association studies in fMRI.

    Neuroimage, 123:212-28.

  • publications

    Shi J., Collignon O., Xu L., Wang G., Kang Y., Lepore F., Lao Y., Joshi A., Lepore N., Wang Y.

    Impact of early and late visual deprivation on the structure of the corpus callosum: A study Combining Thickness profile with Surface Tensor-based morphometry.

    Neuroinformatics, 13(3): 321-36.

  • publications

    Dormal G., Lepore F., Harissi-Dagher M., Albouy G., Bertone A., Rossion B., and Collignon O.

    Tracking the evolution of crossmodal plasticity and visual functions before and after sight-restoration.

    Journal of Neurophysiology, 113(6):1727-42.



  • publications

    Heimler B, Weisz N, and Collignon O.

    Revisiting the adaptive and maladaptive effects of crossmodal plasticity.

    Neuroscience, 283:44-63.

  • publications

    Mottron L, Belleville S, Rouleau G, Collignon O.

    Linking Neocortical, Cognitive, and Genetic Variability in Autism with Alterations of Brain Plasticity: the Trigger-Threshold-Target Model.

    Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 47:735-752.

  • publications

    Crollen V, Noël MP, Seron X, Mahau P, Lepore F and Collignon O.

    Visual experience influences the interactions between fingers and numbers.

    Cognition, 133(1): 91-96.



  • publications

    Charbonneau G, Veronneau M, Boudrias-Fournier C, Lepore F, & Collignon O.

    The ventriloquist in periphery: Impact of eccentricity-related reliability on audio-visual localization.

    Journal of Vision, 13 (12): 20.

  • publications

    Vandewalle G*., Collignon O.*, Hull J., Daneault V., Czeisler C., Lepore F., Doyon J., Dumont M., Lockley S. & Carrier J. [*Contributed equally].

    Blue light stimulates cognitive brain activity in visually blind individuals.

    Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25 (12): 2072-85.

  • publications

    Collignon, O., Dormal, G., Albouy G., Vandewalle G., Voss P., Phillips C., Lepore, F.

    Impact of blindness onset on the functional organization and the connectivity of the occipital cortex.

    Brain, 136(9): 2769-83.

  • publications

    Charbonneau G., Bertone A., Lepore F., Nassim M., Lassonde M., Mottron L., & Collignon O.

    Multilevel alterations in the processing of audio–visual emotion expressions in autism spectrum disorders

    Neuropsychologia, 51(5): 1002-10.

  • publications

    D’Hondt F., Lassonde M., Collignon O., Lepore F., Honoré J. and Sequeira H.

    “Emotions Guide Us”: Behavioral and MEG correlates.

    Cortex, 49(9): 2473-83.

  • publications

    Girard S., Lepore F., Pelland M. & Collignon, O.

    Impact of the spatial congruence of redundant targets on within-modal and cross-modal integration.

    Experimental Brain Research, 224(2): 275-285.



  • publications

    Collignon O., Charbonneau G., Nassim M., Peters F. Lassonde M., Lepore F., Mottron L., & Bertone A.

    Reduced multisensory facilitation in persons with autism.

    Cortex, 49(6): 1704-10.

  • publications

    Crollen V. & Collignon O.

    Embodied space in early visually deprived individuals.

    Frontiers in Psychology, 1, 3:272.

  • publications

    Dormal G., Lepore F., & Collignon O.

    Plasticity of the dorsal-spatial stream in visually deprived individuals

    Neural Plasticity, 2012: 687659.



  • publications

    La Buissonnière Ariza V, Frasnelli J., Collignon O., & Lepore F.

    Olfactory priming leads to faster sound localization.

    Neuroscience Letters, 11; 506(2):188-92.

  • publications

    Dormal G. & Collignon O.

    Functional selectivity in sensory deprived cortices.

    Journal of Neurophysiology, 105(6): 2627-30.

  • publications

    Crollen V., Mahe R., Collignon O., & Seron X.

    The role of vision in the development of finger-number interactions: Finger-counting and finger-montring in blind children.

    Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 109(4): 525-39.

  • publications

    Frasnelli J., Collignon O., Voss P., Lepore F.

    Crossmodal plasticity in sensory loss.

    Progress in Brain Research, 191:233-49.

  • publications

    Collignon O., Champoux F., Voss P., Lepore F.

    Sensory Rehabilitation in the Plastic Brain

    Progress in Brain Research, 191:211-31.

  • publications

    Collignon O., Vandewalle G., Voss P., Albouy G., Charbonneau G., Lassonde M., Lepore F.

    Functional specialization for auditory-spatial processing in the occipital cortex of congenitally blind humans.

    PNAS, 108, 4435-4440. [Received a best paper award].

  • publications

    Champoux F., Collignon O., Bacon B., Lepore F., Zatorre R.J., Théoret H.

    Early- and late-onset blindness both curb audiotactile integration on the parchment-skin illusory task.

    Psychological Science, 22(1): 19-25.

  • publications

    Cuevas, I., Plaza, P., Rombaux, Ph., Mouraux, A. Delbeke, J., Collignon, O., De Volder, AG., Renier L.

    Chemosensory event-related potentials in early blind humans

    B-ENT, 7(1): 11-17.



  • publications

    Girard, S., Collignon, O., Lepore, F.

    Multisensory gain within and across hemispaces in simple and choice reaction time paradigms.

    Experimental Brain Research, 214: 1-8.

  • publications

    Voss, P., Collignon, O., Lassonde, M., & Lepore, F.

    Adaptation to sensory loss.

    Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 1, Issue 3, 308–328.

  • publications

    Cuevas, B. Gérard, P. Plaza, E. Lerens, O. Collignon, C. Grandin, AG. De Volder, L. Renier

    Development of a fully-automated system for delivering odors in MRI environment.

    Behavior Research Methods, 42(4): 1072-8.

  • publications

    Frasnelli, J., La Buissonière, V., Collignon, O., Lepore, F.

    Localisation of unilateral nasal stimuli across sensory systems.

    Neuroscience Letters, 478(2): 102-6.

  • publications

    Collignon, O., Girard, S., Gosselin, F., Saint-Amour, D., Lepore, F., & Lassonde, M.

    Women process multisensory emotion expressions more efficiently than men.

    Neuropsychologia, 48(1): 220-5.

  • publications

    D’Hondt, F., Lassonde, M., Collignon, O., Dubarry, A.S., Robert, M., Taisne, M., Rigoulot, S., Honoré, J., Lepore, F., & Sequeira, H

    Early brain–body impact of emotional arousal.

    Frontiers in Human Neurosciences, 19: 4-33.

  • publications

    Cuevas, I., Plaza, P., Rombaux, P., Delbeke, J., Collignon, O., De Volder, AG., Renier, L.

    Do People Who Became Blind Early in Life Develop a Better Sense of Smell? A Psychophysical Study?

    Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 104, 369-379.



  • publications

    Collignon O., Charbonneau G., Lassonde M., Lepore F.

    Early visual deprivation alters multisensory processing in peripersonal space.

    Neuropsychologia, 47, 3236-3243.

  • publications

    Collignon, O., & De Volder, A.

    Further evidence that congenitally blind participants react faster to auditory and tactile spatial targets.

    Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(4): 287-93.

  • publications

    Collignon, O., Davare, M., Olivier, E. & De Volder, A.G.

    Reorganisation of the right occipito-parietal stream for auditory spatial processing in early blind humans. A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation study.

    Brain Topography, 21, 232-40 [Special Issue on Multisensory Integration].



  • publications

    Collignon, O., Voss, P., Lassonde, M., & Lepore, F.

    Crossmodal plasticity for the spatial processing of sounds in visually deprived subjects.

    Experimental Brain Research, 192(3): 343-58.

  • publications

    Frasnelli, J., Charbonneau G., Collignon, O., Lepore, F.

    Odor localization and sniffing

    Chemical Senses, 34(2): 139-144.

  • publications

    Collignon, O., Girard, S., Gosselin, F., Roy, S., Saint-Amour, D., Lassonde, M., & Lepore, F.

    Audio-Visual Integration of Emotion Expression.

    Brain Research, 1242: 126-135. [Special Issue on Multisensory Integration].

  • publications

    Collignon, O., Davare, M., De Volder, A.G., Poirier, C., Olivier, E. & Veraart, C.

    Time-course of posterior parietal and occipital cortices contribution to sound lateralization.

    Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20: 1454-1463.



  • publications

    Collignon, O., Lassonde, M., Lepore, F., Bastien, D., & Veraart, C.

    Functional cerebral reorganization for auditory-spatial processing and auditory substitution of vision in early blind subjects.

    Cerebral Cortex, 17(2):457-465. [Received a best poster award at the BAPS].



  • publications

    Collignon, O., Renier, L., Bruyer, R., Tranduy, D. & Veraart, C.

    Improved selective and divided spatial attention in early blind subjects.

    Brain Research, 1075(1), 175-82.



  • publications

    Poirier, C., Collignon, O., Scheiber, C., Tranduy, D., Renier, L., Vanlierde, A., Veraart, C. & De Volder.

    Activation of visual motion areas by auditory motion processing in blind humans. 

    Neuroimage, 31(1), 279-85

  • publications

    Poirier, C., Collignon, O., Schreiber, C., Renier, L., Vanlierde, A., Tranduy, D., Veraart, C., De Volder.

    Specific activation of the V5 brain area by auditory motion processing: an fMRI study.

    Cognitive Brain research, 25(3), 650-8.

  • publications

    Renier, L., Laloyaux, C., Collignon, O., Tranduy, D., Vanlierde, A., Bruyer, R., De Volder, A.G.

    The Ponzo illusion with auditory substitution of vision in sighted and early blind subjects.

    Perception, 34(7), 857-67.

  • publications

    Renier, L., Collignon, O., Tranduy, D., Poirier, C., Vanlierde, A., Bol, A., Veraart, C., De Volder, A.G.

    Crossmodal activation of visual cortex during depth perception using auditory substitution of vision.

    NeuroImage, 26, 573-580

  • publications

    Larøi, F., Van der Linden, M. & Collignon, O.

    Reality monitoring for actions in hallucinatory-proneness.

    Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 10(2), 105-123.
